Objectives for Lesson 4

In this lesson, your ADI will make sure that you will learn how to regulate and maintain good control with regards to the speed of the car in light-traffic driving conditions such as quiet local and rural roads as well as quiet residential areas.

Minimum Coverage for Lesson 4

The fourth EDT lesson will cover at least the following aspects of driving in terms of speed management on public roads:

  • Controlling speed
  • Driving too fast
  • Effects of road and weather conditions
  • Speed limits
  • Stopping distances

Expected Results for Lesson 4

Once you have finished lesson 4, you are expected to demonstrate how to properly adjust the speed of your vehicle with appropriate speed limits and road layouts.

Knowing the impact of road and weather conditions as well as the car’s load on stopping distances with varying speeds is also expected from you.

You are also expected to adequately explain the potential impact of over-speeding and braking too hard on various aspects including your own safety, the safety of your passengers, the safety of other road users and finally the environment.

Preparation for Lesson 5

In order to achieve the expected results of lesson 5, you should complete lesson 1 to 4.

Practice Makes Perfect

To maintain the level of your confidence in achieving the learning objectives, you should also keep in mind the following –

  • Read and understand the expected results for this lesson
  • Do enough practice of at least three hours with your ADI, sponsor or both
  • Do necessary research and study

In addition, you should also practice the use of appropriate speed in varying conditions at least three hours under supervision.

You should also read and understand the Rules of the Road sections specifically speed management and correct positioning.

If your ADI gave you feedback, you should act upon it at the end of your last EDT lesson.